daily departures from Świnoujście
daily departures from South Sweden ports
hours - average travel time
length of the load line for trucks
0 m
we can transport about 1800 passengers daily in both directions


The Unity Line company, set up in May 1994, is one of the biggest ship owners on the Baltic transport market.

The Main Office of Unity Line Limited is located in Limassol, Cyprus.

Within the framework of its activity, the Company deals with the professional management of sea ferries, tourist and transport activities.

The structure of the fleet makes serving all kinds of recipients possible: forwarders, road and rail haulers as well as passenger traffic.

Unity Line Limited have branch in Poland; with offices in Szczecin and Świnoujście. Another branch is located in Sweden with the office in Ystad.

For bookings and further information please visit www.unityline.eu.

Unity Line Ferries

The ferries which are at the Company’s disposal are used on the following routes:

The Polonia ferry is considered the flagship of UNITY LINE. The unit, that was brought into operation in 1995, is still considered one of the  safest ferries on the Baltic Sea.


Another passenger unit, the m/f Skania, was introduced for operation in September 2008. Thanks to this, UNITY LINE passenger ferries cover the Świnoujście – Ystad route in a alternating movement. It means that passengers may plan their journeys in an even more flexible and comfortable way.

Besides the passenger units – the Polonia and the Skania ferries – in UNITY LINE management there are five units aimed at the cargo market – load-carrying ferries: the Jan Śniadecki, cargo and passenger ferries: the Gryf, the Galileusz, Wolin and the Copernicus.

Our mission

”To be the best ferry operator on the Baltic Sea"
Unity Line


Office 301, 108 Franklin Roosevelt Av., 3011 Limassol, Cyprus